Family Promise
of Greater Houston County
Mon-Fri 9:00am-4:30pm
Home location is 2097 US Hwy 41S
Perry, GA 31047
How You Can Help
Give Money
Give Time
Give Stuff
Your donation to Family Promise of Greater Houston County is an investment in helping local families and in building a stronger community.
The return on your investment is the knowledge that families can stay together in a time of crisis, gain self-esteem and life skills, and find safe, affordable housing options. Our communities benefit by coming together to lift families out of a crisis and see them gain stability and self-sufficiency.
Family Promise of Greater Houston County is a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization and any contribution you make is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
Become a Member of the 247 Club
For only $2.47 a week, you can become a patron of CLUB 247 helping our Family Promise Network make a difference in the lives of homeless children and their families in our community.
Every day of every week, 24 hours a day, Family Promise of Greater Houston County will provide overnight accommodations, meals, clothing, and services for moms, dads, and children who have recently lost their homes. The mission of FPGHC is to help families regain their independence while offering services and programs for locating and securing new housing, employment, and job training. Our mission is also to help keep parents and children together and to remain in their community, schools, and jobs while preserving the dignity, safety, and wellbeing of their family.
When you join CLUB 247, you help us to provide professional assistance to homeless families. As a CLUB 247 patron, you will be acknowledged in our newsletter and annual event.
Individuals, Sunday School classes, Bible Study groups, and other groups can participate in CLUB 247.
Get Involved
Give Money
Click here to donate through our secure Georgia Gives website using your credit/debit card or Pay Pal!

Personal Check
To send a check or money order by mail, send donations to:
Family Promise of Greater Houston County
PO Box: 8434
Warner Robins, GA 31095-8434
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Hold a fundraiser to benefit Family Promise Greater Houston County. Check out our Supporters Website for Community Partners and Events. Contact us to talk about your ideas!